The e-commerce industry demands reliable delivery options. Give your consumers what they want: flexibility, speed, and accuracy.
We collect parcels from your designated place by our own dedicated team. We ensure home delivery of each parcel to the respective customers wherever the location is within the country. Each of the parcels we handle has the real time tracking and you can track it anytime from anywhere. Our dedicated team works round the clock to ensure fastest delivery and minimize cancelation ratio so that we, as a business partner, can ensure our customer’s best interest.
Currently we deliver and pick parcels by bicycle, motorbike and pickup vans based on the size and volume of parcels. We have the following delivery categories to meet different requirements of our merchants.
🚚 Same Day Delivery ( ISD) :
e-dak Courier provides same-day parcel delivery exclusively within City Corporation areas. Entrepreneurs or businesses wishing to send parcels must request a pickup by 10:00 AM on the same day. Our esteemed delivery heroes will pick up the parcel and ensure it is delivered within the same day, no later than midnight.
🚚 Next Day Delivery ( ISD) :
This service is for the merchants who require to deliver a parcel/document within 24 hours inside Dhaka.
🚚 SUB City Delivery ( SUB) :
This service is for the merchants who require to deliver a parcel/document within 48 hours SUB Dhaka. This is the standard service that we provide.
🚚 All Bungladesh Delivery (OSD):
This service is for the merchants who require to deliver a parcel/document within 48 hours OSD ( All Bangladesh Delivery). This is the standard service that we provide.
🚚 Parcel Pickup and Delivery through e-dak Points:
e-dak Courier provides parcel pickup & Delivery services for customers through e-dak Points. e-dak point is a one stop digital Delivery service solution point in the retail joints in every corner of Bangladesh from the district centers to the unions & village.